We all aspire to partnerships such as The Beatles had during their heyday. In just eight short years, the Beatles released 27 studio albums, 19 compilations, numerous singles, and wrote songs that have sold well over a billion units worldwide! While each of the Beatles had individual success later on, it was their remarkable collaboration that was the backbone for the greatest single outpouring of popular music in our time. What was the secret sauce that turned gifted musicians into best ever rock stars together?

Collaboration is timely, essential and an enigma. It’s both easy and difficult. Natural and unnatural. In this course, you’ll get a host of valuable ideas and tools to be more collaborative and lead more collaborative organizations, and learn the foundational principles that really make groups rock and roll:

  • Come Together: for a fun-filled, interactive, enlightening shared learning experience
  • Get A Little Help From Your Friends: peer learning and practical tools that you can rely on for all your collaborations
  • Here Comes The Sun: new insights, bright ideas and fresh inspiration to elevate your individual and team performance

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course you will be able to…

  • See what collaboration really is with fresh eyes
  • Evaluate when to collaborate and when not to
  • Identify barriers to collaboration and generate solutions for tackling them
  • Intentionally create the optimal conditions for collaborating using a framework
  • Expedite and power up all your collaborations with new tools and job aids
  • Create psychological safety and inclusivity, bringing out the best in everyone
  • Find more ways to collaborate with all your workplace partners – whether a key client, your leader, a colleague, or team members

Who this course is for

Senior professionals and consultants with an eye to organizational performance and effectiveness.

Dr. Marc Hurwitz and Samantha Hurwitz

FliP U Team

What if online learning was even better than in-person? At FliP University, we’ve taken the best of in-person workshops and put it online. Our content is pracademic, whimsical, transformative and thoroughly modern, at the forefront of organizational needs. It is based on research from cognitive neuroscience, creativity, social, organizational and positive psychology, learning theory, and clinical practice. You can have your cake and eat it too! Dr. Marc Hurwitz and Samantha Hurwitz are the co-founders of FliP U and co-authors of Leadership is Half the Story. In addition, we are proud to collaborate with BK Chan and Tim Hurson as adjunct professors of FliP U. Check out all our courses: Be a leader people want to follow, Followership: The F-word that complements leadership,The Neuroscience of Work, Emotional Intelligence, Collaborative Decision Making, Be a Better Ally, and more.